Monday, June 29, 2015

The Month That Was: June 2015, Ugly and Beautiful

What a month this has been! We had horrors of
violent, murderous racism (-the ugly) and decisions
by the Supreme Court to be proud of, passing
Marriage Equality, and re-confirming the ACA  as
federal health insurance law (-the beautiful). It will
be hard to forget June, 2015.  The contrasts are the
yin and yang of our society.

The last week of June will bring more momentous
rulings by SCOTUS, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. What a difference a , month, day, hour, even seconds, can make in our current world Amber. Where there islife there is hope and I will take life any day.

    Live, love, learn, reveal. Have a great every day! Happy fourth of July and remember what it is really about while we still can.
